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COLLAGIX is an Australian owned cosmeceutical skincare company formulated by a pharmacist who understands different skin types and skin conditions. He has used his knowledge to create a unique cream formulation to accommodate these skincare needs



It is the only skincare formula in Australia that contains Epidermal Growth Factors (EGF) oligopeptides necessary for the rejuvenation of your Skin by targeting working on the skin's inner cellular and tissue levels. The regulation of collagen is important for our skin to maintain its softness and suppleness. As we age collagen levels and the many biochemical pathways responsible for its production diminish. These are mainly due to intrinsic (from within) and extrinsic effects on our skin (Sunlight UV rays).



What are growth factors?
Growth factors are a protein that regulate cellular functions which control skin regeneration and proliferation. They play an important role in maintaining healthy skin structure and function.

Growth factors are naturally made by all cell types that make up the epidermis (outer layer of skin) and dermis (the layer of skin between the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue) of the skin including keratinocytes, fibroblasts and melanocytes.



How do growth factors work?

  • They stimulate the biochemical pathways that promote skin tissue repair and regeneration

  • They promote the formation of collagen and elastic fibers which give the skin its softness and suppleness

  • Their synergistic interaction with other proteins in the epidermis and dermis results in skin repair and regeneration

The growth factors contained in Collagix collectivel when applied to the skin surface penetrate the epidermis and restore and repair any imbalances.



What will I see using COLLAGIX?

  • Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as a result of new collagen production

  • Improvement of the appearance of age spots

  • An evening out of pigmentation and skin tone

  • A reduction in skin roughness

  • Improvement in skin texture and elasticity

  • Improvement in skin smoothness and tightness

  • Improvement in probelmatic skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema, dermatitits and acne



Will COLLAGIX suit my skin type and how long will it take until I see results?

  • Collagix is suitable for any skin type and any skin condition. Moisture retention is greatly improved. Collagix has antibacterial properties and has markedly improved acne. Collagix has the ability to reverse problem skin areas such as eczema, psoriasis, pigmentation and rosacea with improvement seen from as little as three days....

  • Within five minutes of application of Collagix your skin will glow and become noticeably firmer with surface lines and wrinkles softening

  • After a week of usage the difference in your skin's texture and appearance will be very obvious. Your complexion will be brighter, wrinkles and lines start to disappear. Your skin tone will be looking very even and fres.

  • After 2 to 3 weeks of Collagix you will begin to notice deeper lines and wrinkles will start to disappear.

­Why are these Stem Cells unique and revolutionary?

Collagix isn't prlant derived. More often than not plant based stem cells quite often have minimal impact on human skin cells as they are no longer alive/active when formulated. They are also incompatible with the receptors in the collagen production cascade that naturally occurs in the extracellular layers of our skin.

Collagix contains a unique formulation coupling antioxidants, epidermal growth factors and oligopeptides which are the only proven stem cells shown to affect collagen production and skin proliferation.


What Growth Factors are in COLLAGIX?

•CTGF (connective tissue growth factor
•EGF (epidermal growth factor)
•NGF (nerve growth factor) ...
•FGF (fibroblast growth factor)
•IGFs (insulin-like growth factors)
•TNGF (tumor necrosis growth factor)
•TGF-B (transforming growth factor Beta)


Why is it effective?

Our ANTI-AGING cream is effective as the formulated base effectively delivers essential natural growth factors to the extracellular matrix level of the skin which is responsible for the regulation and regeneration of new healthy skin cells.



Who can use COLLAGIX?

This luxurious facial cream is designed for dry to normal skin types and particularly beneficial for mature skin. Moisture retention is greatly improved as is the regulation of sebaceous output. Collagen stimulation aids in preserving the skins youthful appearance by giving underneath support and eventually, a tighter feel. Our ANTI-AGING cream rejuvenates complexion by fighting free radicals, and promoting rejuvenation of cells and collagen production.


Collagix's main stem cell ingredient is cationic which has antibacterial and antimicrobial activity. This is why Collagix has been so effective in treating problematic skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis and psoriasis. The airless Pump Jar makes helps preserve the activity ingredient from fluctuating temperatures and or environments making it suitable for any country in the world.

­­Did you know that?­

Collagix is Australian Owned and Made, Cruelty Free, Paraben Free and Can be used on all Skin Types. Revolutionary Skincare that delivers results!


For many more up to date before and after results  check out our social media pages by clicking the links at the base of this page

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